We envision 30 million Compassionate Citizens, co-creating
Thriving Communities across America, by July 4, 2026
We envision 30 million Compassionate Citizens, co-creating
Thriving Communities across America, by July 4, 2026
Co-created by #CompassionateCitizens
America is deeply divided, ecologically unsustainable, and economically inequitable. It need not be.
Most Americans would like to see an America that works for ALL. What if we could mobilize that majority, and politically empower our collective wisdom and compassion, to co-create an America that works for ALL, as a beacon for a world that works for ALL?
We think that we can, in large part by answering Pope Francis' call for a Politics of Love.
We believe that empowering Deliberative Democracy in the U.S. is an important step towards a Politics of Love, and towards the co-creation of an America (and ultimately, a world) that works for ALL (i.e., an Economy of Communion).
In 2025, our focus is on launching a pilot "Civic Hub" in Kalamazoo, Michigan (working with Better Together America and the Inter-Movement Impact Project):
Our informal leadership network is committed to empowering #BelovedCommunity, and to uniting and supporting myriad intersecting movements, including:
1. The #CaringCulture movement (e.g., Karen Armstong's vision for Compassionate Communities; Bobby Austin's #PublicKinship vision; The USCCB's call for Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue);
2. The Ecological Civilization movement (e.g., Cobb Institute, Institute for Ecological Civilization, National Religious Partners for the Environment; Catholic Climate Covenant).
3. The movement for an "Economy of Well Being" (WIN Network; Healthcare Anchor Network), and the aligned Asset Based Community Development movement (e.g., Christian Community Development Association, Parish Collective, ABCD Institute)
4. The Focolare Movement's vision for a Spirituality, Politics and Economy of Communion
Pope Francis' Oct 3, 2020 encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, is a powerful exhortation for Public Kinship and a #CaringCulture: http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html
Civilize It is a Catholic led movement centered on "Loving Our Neighbor Through Dialogue", and on "Building a Better Kind of Politics". It embraces Fratelli Tutti.
The (&) Campaign is a Protestant led movement to catalyze faithful civic engagement.
Integrating those two Faithful Citizenship movements into an inclusive Compassionate Citizenship movement is the #CaringCulture plank of our mission.
There are already thousands of organizations working on cultural, political and economic transformation, including over 500 organizations who are affiliated with the following three hubs (the first two of which are actively engaged with the Partnership for American Democracy):
1. #CaringCulture: #ListenFirst Coalition
2. #WiserDemocracy: Bridge Alliance Network
3. #CaringEconomy: New Economy Coalition
Because so much of our deeply divided nation is related to the divide within the Christian Church (with which 65% of Americans identify), there is an ecumenical dimension of our mission, which centers on inviting all the participating communions at Christian Churches Together (representing around 110 million "Unity Christians") to "empower #BelovedCommunity" in their neighborhoods.
Inviting Christians to come together, across political and theological divisions, to pursue the Common Good reflects our commitment to Missional Ecumenism, a movement to unite Christians who believe that "the love of Jesus might exceed all divisions".
Our vision is #BelovedCommunity, globally.
Our mission is #BelovedCommunity in America.
Our invitation is to ALL Americans, to co-create an America that works for ALL.
President, Neighborhood Associates
Compassionate Westside Chicago
Co-founder, FeelReal
Co-founder, FairVote Illinois
Founder, There Is Hope CDC
Co-founder, Compassionate America
Founder and President,
Foundation For Religious Diplomacy
Director, Evangelical Chapter,
Foundation For Religious Diplomacy
Co-author, Spontaneous Evolution
Co-founder, In This Together
CEO, Future 500
Julie Nichols
Director, Texas DFLA
Director, Ecumenical Outreach
Director, #CompassionateRealtors
Chair of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD)
Managing Director, Nurture Development
Founder of Center For Pluralism
Founder, Spiritual Playdate
AT LARGE advisors
Editor, American Journal of Economics and Sociology
David Lapp
Founder, The Global Lead
Global Ambassador at Charter For Compassion International
Author, Beautiful and Abundant
Transpartisan Meshweaver
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events, our projects, and how you can help!
611 W Lovell St, #1A Kalamazoo, MI, United States